Computational Fluid Dynamics: A half semester-long project seeking to write a computational Navier-Stokes solver, from scratch, entirely in MATLAB. This project was an accumulation of the various numerical solver types learned throughout the semester, including the Fractional Step Method (FSM) of integrating momentum, first-order upwinding energy equation, and a Point-Jacobi Poisson pressure solver. We implemented a staggered grid domain required by the FSM technique, with Dirichlet boundaries along the walls, and parabolic inlets to establish fully developed flows before entering the junction.
Our goal was to study temperature mixing inside a T-junction; specifically in HVAC return intakes, where used air is mixed with outside air to decrease energy consumption as specified by ASHRAE Standard 62.1. Proper mixing is essential for downstream coil performance and system efficiency.
The flow characteristics in this study were carefully selected to satisfy the laminar flow conditions and balance computational time. While real-world HVAC systems typically operate at higher velocities, this study aims to validate the FSM solver as a possible conservative numerical solution to the problem.